If a sound starts in one segment and ends in the next, you may type two remarks, in the same segment and use a breaker to place them on separate lines. Once a caption is saved, the software will start looping the next segment automatically. When you are done, you may click a button or hit the Enter key, to store your caption. The program will loop short segments of your movie, so you can listen to each spoken line, over and over again, until you are sure what you should type. Instead of clicking the Play button, on the media player, you may click the Start option, in the lower left region of the window. The best part about MovieCaptioner is the way it allows you to create and synchronize subtitles. Stored captions are listed, in chronological order, on the right side of the window, where you can edit them or change their start times. Captions are typed beneath the media player and you can also change their font settings, in the same area. Once you load a movie, you can play it with MovieCaptioner's built in video player, located in the upper left area of the interface. The program supports numerous media formats, including MOV, MP4, OGG and others. Before you run the software, you should make sure that QuickTime 7 is installed on your PC or Mac. The 15 MB setup package can be downloaded in a few seconds, with a modern day connection and you can install it just as fast.

MovieCaptioner is available for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, as well as various Mac OS X platforms. The software allows you to caption your movie segment by segment, making the process easy and fast. All you have to do is listen to the movie's audio track and type what you hear. MovieCaptioner will help you create and synchronize caption tracks. If you can't find any subtitles that are well synchronized with your movie, you can try to make one yourself. Subtitles are very important for some people, even if they understand the spoken language.